Community Partners
Sign Up to Invest & Make $$$
Future Locations are being scheduled
Become A Part Of The Solution
Ask yourself "How much do I contribute to charity each year?"
Whatever the amount, be it 5% to 50% or more, make that amount truly count with hands on participation and a pure transparency and visibility to every dollar that you decide to dedicate to this cause, through whatever vehicle you choose to do so!
Yogurtland locations for us will be a "Reliable & Self Sustaining Primary Source of Funds" to aid our Mission of Caring for Abused Children.
Our Vision in acquiring these profitable entities is to take (after the required payments to lenders, investors and employees) "THE ENTIRE NET PROFIT," from each location acquired, to help these children.
By doing this we thereby accomplish our two fold mission:
Utilizing our "Entrepreneurial Approach of combining both Efficiency and Effectiveness" into our unique formula of creating new and revolutionary "profit center partnerships" with business and individual members of the local communities.
This then serves as the means for creating "self sustaining and profitable engines" in order to serve as the primary financial source of funds needed in sustaining our idealistic and philanthropic endeavors of caring for Abused Children.
(We can proudly say that through this exact same methodology we grew from 500lbs of food per week to over 10 tons of food per week to feed abused children in just our first 6 months!)
It is truly our hope that our approach will someday become the model for large scale philanthropy in the future!
Please contact us or call (714) 840-6000 if you feel you might be able to contribute to this worthy cause as either a donor, a lender, or as a limited financial partner with a modest return.
Thank You!
Help Abused Children
Sign Up as a Lender & Make $$$
Future Locations are being scheduled

Help Abused Children
Help Abused Children

Sign Up to Donate
Future Locations are being scheduled
Diversification, Divestiture & Reinvestment
"NOW" is the name of the game!
Keynote: Based on "today's world," "today's population, economic trends and opportunities" logically, pragmatically it is now time to diversify, divest, then reinvest and "with us" take tremendous, pride in helping others while doing so, as either an investor a lender or if you truly prefer as a designated donor.
Enjoy the information on this page and enter now the most spectacular journey of your life!